Know all you need to enjoy easier and better travel experiences with Bibdk Canada travelling tips and Scholarships and opportunities in Canada. To protect people from falling victims to unpreparedness, scam, or travel mistakes, we started this travel website to provide you with the guide and insurance you need and can trust.

We are your one-stop informational travel website where you have access to true and legitimate information. Over the years, we have successfully helped over a hundred people relocate and travel to Canada through our informational blog.

Our vision and mission

We believe every dream is achievable and the dream we actively help people achieve is to successfully move to or study in Canada. With that as our primary goal, we provide true and reliable information and guidance for everyone seeking to fulfil their Canadian life dreams.

Our core values

We are committed to ensuring your travel experiences are easy and stress-free; hence we base our core values on:


We go the extra mile so travelling to Canada can be easier for you by collecting authentic, accurate, and useful information that guides your journey and enables you to have a splendid stay over there.


We aim to ensure you get all you need on our website, so we are your reliable source for everything travel and immigration to Canada tips Platform.


Our goal is to see that anyone who desires to travel or migrate to Canada can do so without fear of deceit or fraud by providing true information so you can travel with peace of mind.